• Welcome to Hello Neighbor 2: Alternative Reality!

    We are ecstatic to announce our new game in the works. Hello Neighbor 2: Alternative Reality is a reimagined and remastered version of the infamous Alpha 2. Our goal with this game is to provide a unique experience, unlike any other fan game out there. Usually, every fan game only goes off the original concepts and doesn’t try to do…

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  • Hello Neighbor: Alternative Reality is fully out!

    The time has come. The full version of HN:AR is finally out and you can play it right now on Gamejolt! A lot of time and effort have been put in to make this an all-around good fan game. Therefore, I’m going to talk a little bit about it in this post. In September, I…

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  • HN:AR Revised is now in ALPHA.

    It’s been 10 months since the last update for Hello Neighbor: Alternative Reality. It’s about time I update it. Reading the title, you might think I’ve gone backwards since the last release was labled a beta. But I’ve actually gone ahead and renamed Beta 1.0 to Alpha 1.0 because it makes more sense to go…

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  • Welcome to the Revised Beta of HN:AR!

    Welcome to the Revised Beta of HN:AR! Before we go into this brand new version, let me tell you a bit more about it. Months ago, I was working on the game when, all of a sudden, the project corrupted itself. I was shocked as I had just spent the previous night working for hours…

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  • I’m back to posting again, I think.

    Why hello there! It’s been a while since I’ve been on this website. I almost forgot it even existed! A few days ago, I had a live stream on my Youtube channel revealing some exciting announcements.  First of all, my fan game, “Hello Neighbor: Alternative Reality,” is finally getting a new update after an entire…

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  • Staff App Results + Inactivity & Future Uploads

    First of all, we got a brand new category on the website called “Community Updates,” where I will post more about community-related updates. I’ll post updates on, for example, my Discord and Gamejolt community servers. And yes, I have a Gamejolt community that I created yesterday. If you want to join it, you can find…

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  • HNAR: Beta 1.6.2 & Release Update

    I’ve got some news on HNAR, and I’m afraid it’s not good news. The game’s full game release date will be held off until the game gets a proper rework. Meaning the planned release area of spring 2021 will most likely not happen. The game will be majorly reworked around March and will probably take…

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