Welcome to Hello Neighbor 2: Alternative Reality!

We are ecstatic to announce our new game in the works. Hello Neighbor 2: Alternative Reality is a reimagined and remastered version of the infamous Alpha 2. Our goal with this game is to provide a unique experience, unlike any other fan game out there. Usually, every fan game only goes off the original concepts and doesn’t try to do anything new. But this game takes the original HN2’s concept and flips it on its head, and we’re excited to eventually share with you what we have in store.

I think you’ve noticed I’ve said “we” a lot as well, and that’s because we’re building up a team for this game! Unlike the original HNAR, which I made almost entirely myself, we have three other people here. We have Jacket (The Crowinator) who’s the lead level and game designer and is the brains behind the entire project. We have Jay (jaythefrog71) and Forrt (FORRT9513) who are mainly the brains behind the AI. We are all working together to ensure that the game will be of the utmost quality, and we’re planning to expand pretty soon as well.

I know that you have a lot of questions about this game, so I’ve written out some frequently asked questions + answers in the words of the developers for you to understand a bit better.

Q: Is HN2AR a remake of Alpha 2?
A: No, the game is not a remake but rather a reimagining. That means the game is based off Alpha 2, but it’s not a recreation at all.

Q: When is HN2AR releasing?
A: The game will release when we deem it ready. The game is currently very early in development so don’t expect anything right now.

Q: What locations & characters will be in the game?
A: All of the characters and locations from HN2 will be in this game including some new and exclusive areas.

Q: Is the game releasing in alpha and beta builds?
A: No. Instead, the game will be divided up into chapters and then be released chapter by chapter.

Q: Is the game a sequel to the original HNAR?
A: No, the game is not connected to HNAR at all. It’s rather going with the same theme with it being kind of an alternate universe, so it’s borrowing the same name.

Q: Are you still gonna update the original HNAR?
A: Most likely not. I consider HNAR to be finished and I don’t currently have any plans to do any major update to the game. All focus will instead be put towards this game and any future projects.

Q: When should we expect a demo?
A: We are expecting to get a demo out in the coming months, so keep in touch with the devlog.

If you want to keep in touch with development of HN2AR, make sure to follow the Gamejolt page as well as joining my Discord server so you don’t miss any updates!


18 responses to “Welcome to Hello Neighbor 2: Alternative Reality!”

    1. NateEMG Avatar

      I don’t currently have any plans to continue updating HNAR with new content since I have considered it finished. All focus will instead be put towards newer projects.

      1. StanislavD19 Avatar

        So are you gonna officially announce the discontinuance of hn:ar on a yt community post/gamejolt or on this website?

  1. Jesse Avatar

    When I read “Not related to HNAR at all,” my heart exploded

  2. Pancake Avatar

    How long do you think it will take yall to finish?? Bc im SOO HYPE!

  3. CosoDevFilms Avatar

    Is The Mayor, Mr. Otto, Gerda, The Guest, Aaron (Possibly), and Beatrix going to appear by any chance within the story of HNAR: 2?

    (I.E like in the real HN2)

    1. NateEMG Avatar

      Most of the characters from the original will feature in some way. I can’t say more than that right now though.

  4. Green Dude Avatar
    Green Dude

    is the guest gonna be there in the alpha house or just be some guy who stops you from leaving the map like the beta?

    1. NateEMG Avatar

      I can’t say exactly what the guest will do yet, but he’ll definitely play a bigger role in the story. You’ll see when the full game releases.

  5. MiSERY Avatar

    Will you add different language options like: Polish, Russian, French?

  6. betaboycreator Avatar

    so the cliffhanger of hnar is just… not being expanded? you cant just do that to me bruh :sob:

  7. 2point0 Avatar

    i dont really got a question im just typing this to say how good these games you make are and please dont stop making them

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