I’ve got some news on HNAR, and I’m afraid it’s not good news. The game’s full game release date will be held off until the game gets a proper rework. Meaning the planned release area of spring 2021 will most likely not happen. The game will be majorly reworked around March and will probably take a long time, so a release date won’t be decided any time soon. Kokosko will help me reworking it also. The official release will now be aimed towards the end of the year. I’m sorry if I disappointed anyone looking forward to this, but the game really needs the rework.
The last patch for Beta 1.6 is also available on Gamejolt. It will be the last update before Beta 1.7, which is planned for release in March – April. Beta 1.7 will be the beginning of the reworking process. It will begin to feature some improvement in performance, gameplay, and possibly story. However, no other big things will be appearing in this update. If you feel like there’s anything that needs to be improved, please let me know. I want this game to be the best I can make, and I need all the help I can get.
Beta 1.6.2 (the latest patch) is the last patch for Beta 1.6. The main change is with the menus. They now have been reworked to support controllers as they were not when controller support was added. I was too lazy to fix the advanced graphics settings, so if you’re playing on console, you’ll only have access to the simple graphics settings. The other stuff was just bugfixes. The tomato actually splats now, you cannot walk during certain cutscenes anymore, etc. It’s not too big, but it’s something. Don’t expect any new stuff for a while during this period cause’ I’ll be busy working on making the game better. See you soon. 🙂
Get Beta 1.6.2 now: https://gamejolt.com/games/hnar-game/411290/

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